AEAS, 39th, Annual Conference, Awards Dinner, Dr. Esam Sharaf, Scholar of the Year
The Annual Awards Dinner of the Association of Egyptian American Scholars, as per our tradition each year was held in the Diplomats Club in Down Town Cairo. This year's recipient of the Award was Dr. Esam Sharaf, Former Prime Minister of Egypt and a Civil Engineering Professor at Cairo University. Dr. Sharaf efforts to support and advance Scientific Research in Egypt was appreciated by all AEAS members. Dr. Mostafa El Sayed has attended the dinner and participated with dr. Mohamed Attalla, President of the Association to hand the Awards to the recipients. Since this year is the 40th, anniversary of AEAS, Dr. Attalla handed Recognition Awards to all former AEAS officers who attended the dinner. These Awards included:
- Dr. Mostafa El Sayed, Former Vice President
- Dr. Aly Mansour, Vice President
- Dr. Waguih El Maraghy, Former Vice President.
- Dr. Hoda El Maraghy, Former Vice President.
- Dr. Adel El Maraghy, Former Secretary.
Also Attended the Dinner Dr. Ashraf Shaalan President of the National Research Center and Dr. Khaled Al Zahaby President of the Building and Housing Research Center in addition to a large number of AEAS members from USA and Canada as well as AEAS colleagues in Egypt.