AEAS Bylaws
I. Name
The name of the association is "Association of Egyptian-American Scholars, Inc."
II.Principal Office
The principal place of business of this association is Madison, Wisconsin.
III. Nature of the Association
The Association of Egyptian-American Scholars is a non-sectarian, private, non-profit, educational, cultural, non-political, association of scholars of Egyptian origin who are either citizens or permanent residents of the United States and Canada.
IV. Purposes
To promote and improve Egyptian-American cultural and scientific relations through the development and implementation of specific programs of interest and value to the cultural and scientific development of Egypt.
V. Membership
- Classification
REGULAR membership is open to those of Egyptian origin who are citizens or permanent residents of the United States and Canada, and whose background and experiences fall within the cultural and scientific purposes of the Association and whose interests coincide with those purposes.
ASSOCIATE membership is open to those of Egyptian origin who are on a temporary stay in the U.S. or Canada, but otherwise meet regular membership requirements.
SPECIAL membership is open to those not of Egyptian origin who have qualifications and interests to contribute to the purpose of the Association.
- Procedure
To become a member, the applicant must be recommended by the local chapter, if one exists. If a local chapter does not exist, then the applications must be recommended by two regular members of the Association, and be approved by a simple majority of the Board of Directors of the Association.
- Dues
Each member shall pay annual membership dues in such an amount as fixed by the Board of Directors annually.
- Voting Rights
Voting rights are afforded only to regular members.
VI. Programs and Activities
- The Board shall develop programs and activities within the scope of the Association's purposes, and in particular the Visiting Scholar Program and the Science Education Fund.
- The Visiting Scholar Program is a cultural-scientific program in which
scholars of Egyptian origin who reside in the United States and Canada and
who have achieved recognized academic or professional status through
demonstrated expertise in their field, and whose knowledge and experience
may be needed in Egypt, would be invited by Egypt to provide such services
as they might be able to perform.
The Association will, in conjunction with a counterpart organization in Egypt, assist in matching registered scholars to needed expertise. The final decisions as to the number and type of scholars to be invited at any one time is up to the Egyptian authorities. The registered must also be members of the Association. - The Science Education Fund is established to help supply scientific equipment and material to Egyptian educational research institutions. The Fund is collected as part of the annual membership dues as well as from additional voluntary contributions.
VII. Meetings of the Membership
- There shall be annual meeting of the membership and such other meetings as the Board or membership may schedule.
- Meetings may be held in Egypt or anywhere in the U.S.A. or Canada, as Membership may decide.
- Meetings shall be called by an affirmative vote of the Board of Directors at the request of 25% of the regular members.
- Notice of such meetings shall be in writing at least 30 days prior to any such scheduled meeting.
- The quorum shall be 20% of the membership of which 10% must be physically present.
- Voting by proxy is permitted provided that the proxy is in writing and verified by the Secretary.
VIII. Financial Resources
The Association shall derive its financial resources from dues and contributions of members and other sources which are acceptable to the Board within the scope and purposes of the Association.
IX. The Board of Directors
- The Board of Directors shall consist of five elected regular members, and all presidents of Local Chapters ex officio. Only five elected regular members shall be voting. The outgoing president of the Association shall also be ex officio member.
- Officers
The officers shall be a president, two vice presidents, a secretary and a treasurer, who shall be elected from among the Directors by the membership.
The President shall chair all meetings of the Association or, in his absence, one of the Vice Presidents, and shall be responsible for the management of the Association within the scope of its purposes subject to the policies established by the Board. - Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be in charge of handling all funds for the Association and shall deposit in a bank, approved by the Board, all the funds received, make all disbursements in accordance with the approved budget; have the right to sign checks. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping the financial records of the Association, and shall report annually to the membership. - Nomination of Directors and Officers
- All nominations shall be made by the regular members and sent to the Secretary who shall compile a list of nominees and a brief biographical sketch, and send a written ballot to all regular members thirty days prior to each annual meeting.
- Members can vote by written ballot to be sent to the Secretary who shall have the members proxy to vote in accordance with the said ballot.
- All written ballots shall be verified by the Board.
- Term of Office
Term of Office of all Directors and Officers shall be two calendar years from the date of election. No director or officer can serve more than two consecutive terms. - Local Chapters
- At least ten regular members can establish a local chapter subject to the approval of the Board.
- Each local Chapter shall elect its own officers.
- Local Chapters shall act within the scope and purposes of the Association and shall be guided by the policies of the Board.
- Local Chapters may establish membership dues.
- Membership in local Chapters is open only to members of the Association.
- Members of the Association are invited to become members of local Chapters where available but are not required to do so.
- Local Chapters may not solicit nor accept financial contributions other than membership dues except with the approval of the Board.
- Local Chapters must submit an annual accounting to the Board.
X. Amendments
Amendments to the Bylaws must be by a majority vote of all the regular.