Congratulations, Dr. Prof. Hussein I. Anis
Dr. Hussein Anis, has received the State Award in Engineering Sciences (Gayzit eldawla eltakdeereyya fi el3oloom alhandaseyya)
He received his Bachelor’s degree from Cairo University, and received the Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from McGill University, Canada. He has been with Cairo University since 1974, where he is currently professor of electric power and high voltage.
He collaborated with numerous international universities, research institutes, and international organizations and was a visiting professor at Universities of Waterloo and British Columbia, Canada, and Kuwait University. He served as the Vice President of the Arab Open University, Kuwait, for Research, Planning, and Development. He managed a World Bank project to develop engineering education in Egypt.
His biography appeared in many international and local biographical volumes. He is the recipient of many national awards and medals.
He published nearly 150 papers many of them in international journals, and contributed to more than sixty international conferences.